Initiating on Innovation of the Conceptual Map and Field Trips to Develop Potential of Systematic Analysis in Thai History

                                                  By Mrs. Chatbongkoch Sriwattanasarn
          Initiating on Innovation of the Conceptual Map and Field Trips to Develop Potential of Systematic Analysis in Thai History : Cases Studies of Students Registered the Subject of Knowledge of Local Ancient Places, Rajabhat Chandrakasem University.
    General students always misunderstand that the process to approach the Thai history is composed with recitation of details of the events . They never realize that the ways of practicing of informational analysis, documentary critic and evaluation and reasonable historical synthesis are the right paths to access history .

      Many years ago, R.G. Collingwood( Collingwood: 1962), the British Philosopher submits that the most necessary principle for learners is to conscious the real “Ideal” of human in the past. The method to learn history according to Collingwood is to duplicate or reconstruct ideas of man systematically.

      There are many problems involve the process of learning and teaching Thai History in universities and institutions. Firstly, learners lack of systematic analysis potential. Secondly, teachers unaware to create any kinds of interesting atmosphere in the classroom. So, to develop the process of learning and teaching of Thai History, to further analytical potentiality of historical archives , art historical information, archaeological artifacts and including of all human traces, a kind of new innovation will be used to locate “ the Conceptual Map”. The term could have been means an image in the mind that represent the images of ideas.

Meaning of the Conceptual Map.

       D.L. Medin and his article “Concepts and Conceptual Structure” in the American Psychologist Magazine, has been quoted by Kriangsak Chareonwongsak(Chareonwongsak: 2546, 84) that there are three categories of meaning concern to the Conceptual Map, as demonstrating below:

1.The Conceptual Map is the development of an ability to find out the heart of knowledge , by classifying the main idea out of details. The main idea will be function as the knowledge’s framework to assist learners into the process of quick-sharp learning.

2.The Conceptual Map always supports new discoveries. An expert of a kind of knowledge could enable his academic power to integrate network of the rational abstract with other Conceptual Map.

3.Each Conceptual Map is look like network of the knowledge that combines human’s mind as complicated as it could. The Conceptual Map of one knowledge could be the main concept which composes with other sub-conceptual maps. Each sub-conceptual map would have been combined by other concepts that identifies its nature properly. By these accesses, it could be integrated with another reasonable Conceptual Map too.

The most important idea to be presented in this research is the creating of the Conceptual Map and visual education(field trip) in learning the development of Thai History. The research could assist learners to echo the past more clearly.


The research aims to present the innovation to support the potential of students of Department of Cultural Study, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Chankasem University : to approach into the Subject of Knowledge of Local Ancient Places; not only for their development of analytical thinking in problems of Thai History but also for their awareness of finding out into the primary sources of Thai History, that would be also useful for country’s development .

Research Tools

1.Applying of the Conceptual Map in teaching, and evaluating by testing activities in class.

2.Arrangging the visual educational trip and including tests and evaluations during the trip.

Research Procession

1.Preliminary studying problems of teaching and learning Thai History in universities from documents(literature reviews).

2.Create and develop the innovation to be used as the Conceptual Map by selecting history of Rattanakosin Period as a key problem for the research and lead students to visit the Grand Palace and the Temple of The Emerald Buddha for their visual educational trip.

3.Design the pre-test and post-test forms for 30 students of students indicated earlier.

4. interpreting, evaluating and concluding the results of research and submitting opinions and instructions for applying the innovation.

Concluding of Quality Inspection

Result of applying the innovation of the Conceptual Map to develop the potential of analytical thinking in study Thai History proves that most of learners could increase their ability to analyze and conclude causes and effects of historical events. Moreover, after having had experienced of the visual educational trip at the historical sites, learners were aroused to study deeper than learning in the class. In especially, they incline to solve historical problems by searching archives. And lastly, most of them also realized the value of historical study.

Debate and suggestion

Creating of innovation in the research, however, was only a minor part of the subjects. People who interested in applying of the innovation have to understand the threaten of it’s objectivity and structure. The most important problem of usage the innovation is not only involved the limited of matter and testing paper, but a one day visual educational trip also caused students did not have enough time to study thoroughly in the Grand Palace and Temple of the Emerald Buddha to provide knowledge of architecture, sculpture and paintings. But the research also discovers strength of the innovation that arouse students to study Thai History deeper by themselves in library and web sites.

Opinion for Further Research

Not only the innovation of the Conceptual Map should be designed to fulfill the scope of Thai History, but also the adding of the testing paper and the visual educational trip . Furthermore, before joining the trip, students should develop their behavior in learning by searching informations concern to the historical sites. Moreover, encouraging learners to design their own Conceptual Map by would be useful for them too.





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